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- Date: Fri, 29 Oct 93 21:29:52 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1286
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Fri, 29 Oct 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1286
- Today's Topics:
- Connecting Kenwood tm241A to kam??
- How to monitor police digital communic
- Icom W21AT for sale or swap
- Kenwood TS-50S Modifications
- NEW MAJOR RELEASE: MorseTrainer (v1.1) for Macintosh
- QSL Route ER8ZAL
- SAREX Keps & Update 10/30
- Windows Based Code Practice
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 17:53:30 GMT
- From: ftpbox!mothost!lmpsbbs!NewsWatcher!user@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: BAUD VS BAUDS
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2527@arrl.org>, bbattles@arrl.org (Brian Battles WS1O) wrote:
- > In rec.radio.amateur.misc, AGRI098@UNLVM.UNL.EDU (Roy) writes:
- >
- > I always heard that a baud was a change from one state to another on
- > an analog data circuit; so, more than one such change would be so many
- > bauds. On the other hand, one doesn't say WPMs when words per minute
- > is being discussed, the plural of WPM is WPM.
- Slight difference here since WPM is a TLA (Three Letter acronym :-) ) for
- "WORDS per minute" and the singular being "WORD per minute". No one writes
- (or says) WsPM so the distinction is lost.
- One used to show a distinction when SAYING "cycleS per second" as compared
- to "cycle per second" when appropriate. But it was always CPS with no
- distinction. When the term changed in honor of H. Hertz, it is alwways
- "Hertz", singular or plural. No one writes "Hertz's, Hertz'" or any other
- variant.
- Other honorary names do follow however:
- 5 Ohms, 1 Ohm...sounds right, (Ohm being the full last name of the honored
- person)
- 5 Amps (Amperes), 1 Amp (Ampere)...sounds right
- However it is even more curious how BAUD is used.
- 5 Bauds, 1 Baud...sound awkward, 5 Baud sounds better (I almost never hear
- anyone say "Baudot" or "Baudots" for the honored person.
- So the curiosity continues... :-)
- Oh, just one related pet peeve...when using abbreviations, please
- capitalize the letter associated with the honored person (i.e., kHz not
- khz, mA not ma).
- 73,
- --
- furtaw@comm.mot.com
- Bob Furtaw - W8IL
- All disclaimers ever written by anybody apply. :-)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Oct 93 11:00:19 EST
- From: sdd.hp.com!math.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu!miavx1!miavx3.mid.muohio.edu!clmorgan@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Connecting Kenwood tm241A to kam??
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <svh.751488776@sarge>, svh@verdix.com (Steven Hovater) writes:
- > Just picked up a Kenwood TM241A for use as a packet
- > radio - the docs that came with it don't indicate
- > how the switching for the ptt is to function when
- > operated by a TNC (specifically, I have a KAM, but
- > I imagine they're all the same).
- >
- > Surely someone has done this..
- >
- > Thanks & 73's
- > Steve (AA5YH)
- > --
- > Steven V. Hovater (703)318-5839
- > Senior CASE Engineer Verdix Corporation
- > EMAIL: svh@verdix.com Amateur Radio: AA5YH
- I made all the connections in the 8-pin mic connector. Left the AFSK
- jumper on low, and began "packeting".
- KAM DB-9 TM-241A
- -------- -------
- 1 TX Audio 11 White
- 3 PTT 2 Brown
- 5 RX Audio 6 audio cable
- 6 Ground 7 Shield
- 6 Ground 8 Black lead
- This works for me.
- 73 >< Carl
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Oct 93 17:02:50 GMT
- From: olivea!charnel!yeshua.marcam.com!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!sgiblab!bridge2!rental!peter@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: How to monitor police digital communic
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <051346Z27101993@anon.penet.fi> an40111@anon.penet.fi whines:
- > >
- > >Any help on the subject would be appreciated, as well
- > >as suggestions for the acquisition of the appropriate
- > >equipment.
- > >
- > >This pertains to the systems used by the corrupt
- > >criminal cops of southern California.
- Well, yes, they may be corrupt and criminal, but they're not *stupid* :-)
- Encryption is very easy to build into a digital system. Sometimes,
- it's not even called encryption, but error correction. I believe
- you're out of luck trying to monitor these...the protocol is proprietary
- and the data encoding is not standard ASCII.
- Your best bet is to try and get a hold of one of the terminals and reverse
- engineer the firmware.
- Starting point? Walk up to a cruiser and read the manufacturer's name and
- model number off the terminal. I wouldn't expect too much help from the
- manufacturer, though...especially if it's Motorola [see competing thread :-]
- Let us know how you make out...
- Peter
- ---
- =================================================================
- Peter Simpson, KA1AXY Peter_Simpson@3com.com
- 3Com Corporation (508) 836 1719
- 71 Lyman Street Northboro, MA 01532
- #include <std_disclaimer.h> Linux = *free!* Unix for 386
- =================================================================
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Oct 1993 16:47:30 GMT
- From: spool.mu.edu!agate!garnet.berkeley.edu!hank2@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Icom W21AT for sale or swap
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I was the lucky winner of one of the main prizes at Pacificon
- last weekend -- the new Icom W21AT HT. I already own an Alinco
- 580 and would like to get a good dual band mobile or something
- to use as a base station. Anyway, you get the picture.
- Its brand new, of course -- box, wrappers, warranty card, manual
- etc. etc. You can't believe the bells and whistles on this radio!
- The radio sells for $519 at HRO (at Pacificon it sold for $499).
- I'm not sure what to ask for the thing -- but I'd certainly
- take $450 for it (or best offer). OR, swap it for a GOOD newish
- dual band mobile -- with or without cash involved.
- Anyway, if you're interested in the radio, let me know and we
- can talk about it.
- I can be reached at 510-527-3605 or 510-642-5584.
- Henry Miller
- --
- H. Miller
- hank@violet.berkeley.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 17:47:02 GMT
- From: rtech!amdahl!netcomsv!attain!icd.teradyne.com!news@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Kenwood TS-50S Modifications
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <1993Oct27.101802.92900@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au> maramis@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au writes:
- -I need some information on modifications on the Kenwood TS-50 HF radio for
- -extended coverage..
- Depends on what you mean by extended coverage. Out of the box, it receives
- from .3-30 MHz. To open the transmitter for the full range, remove the
- bottom of the case and cut D5 (the only leaded diode on the board) right
- near the serial I/O connector) and reset the CPU. Remember that it is
- illegal to transmit out of band (though I am not sure of the rules down under)
- /mike
- BTW, anyone know what adding those other missing diodes will do? How about
- the switch labeled '50W'?
- --
- \|/ Michael L. Ardai N1IST Teradyne ATG Boston
- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /|\ ardai@maven.dnet.teradyne.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 1993 13:59:28 GMT
- From: pipex!sunic!news.lth.se!pomona.tde.lth.se!sund@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: NEW MAJOR RELEASE: MorseTrainer (v1.1) for Macintosh
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- MorseTrainer US-1.1
- Availability: ftp at
- This is a major new-features and bug-fix release:
- New features in 1.1
- * Enhanced sound generator, volume control and risetime control.
- The pitch is set in steps of 10Hz instead of using MIDI frequencies.
- * Speed and tempo limits increased to 80 words/minute as a
- result of the enhanced sound generator.
- * User-selectable font in the Misc settings dialog.
- Bugs fixed in 1.1
- * Better signal timing. In earlier versions of MorseTrainer the tempo
- selected was not equal to the actual tempo if the tempo and speed
- were different. However, even if the timing is very exact now you
- may still encounter the problem, especially on smaller computers
- such as Mac Plus, SE, Classic etc. These computers cannot handle
- sequencies of short sounds properly.
- >>> If the timing error is more than 5% the user will be notified.
- If the timing error is smaller than 5% and you still want to be notified,
- hold down the option key at the end of a signalling session.
- Known problems in 1.1
- * The sound volume control is not supported by Apple on all machine
- and system configurations.
- Notes for 1.1
- * When a library is opened by MorseTrainer US-1.1 it will be converted
- to a new format automatically. Thereafter, the library cannot be opened
- succesfully with an older version of MorseTrainer.
- General info for 1.1
- MorseTrainer is a powerful tool for learning and training Morse code.
- Features
- * Three different training modes: user text, random text, library text
- * Arbitrary signal volume, pitch, waveform and risetime
- * Arbitrary speed and tempo
- * Multi-alphabet support
- * Random text generator
- * Text library editor
- * On-line alphabet
- * On-line manual
- * Help Balloons
- * And a lot more!
- And of course, it's FREEWARE!
- Lars Sundstroem
- Department of Applied Electronics, Lunds University
- P.O. Box 118, 221 00 LUND, Sweden
- phone: +46 46 10 95 13
- fax: +46 46 12 99 48
- email: sund@tde.lth.se
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 10:19:56 -0400
- From: mustang.mst6.lanl.gov!nntp-server.caltech.edu!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!news.sei.cmu.edu@nntp.ucsb.edu
- Subject: QSL Route ER8ZAL
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Does anyone know the QSL route for ER8ZAL? Thanks.
- Keith Poole K7MOA/3
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Oct 93 00:26:43 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: SAREX Keps & Update 10/30
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- SB SAREX @ AMSAT $STS-58.031
- SAREX Keps & Update 10/30
- Saturday 10/30/93 @ 00:00 UTC
- Since all scheduled SAREX activities are now complete, several general
- QSO opportunities are available. While the SAREX Working Group cannot
- fully guarantee that the crew will be operating, there is a high
- probability that the STS-58 astronauts will be ready to take general calls
- over the continental U.S. on these passes. These opportunities include a
- pass on orbit 192 at MET 11 days 22 hours and 29 minutes (10/30 at 13:22 UTC)
- and a pass on orbit 193 at MET 12 days 0 hours 6 minutes (10/30 at 14:49 UTC).
- Please note that many hams on the ground heard or worked the Shuttle Columbia
- crew on several orbits today. Both voice and packet modes were operating.
- Element set GSFC-031, generated by Ron Parise, WA4SIR, will continue to be
- the official SAREX element set for today. On orbit 181 Gil Carman, WA5NOM,
- of the Johnson Space Center compared the orbiter state vector to GSFC-031.
- The state vector was 6 seconds later than this element set. Other later
- element sets (e.g. GSFC-038) are currently less accurate than GSFC-031.
- STS-58
- 1 22869U 93065A 93300.17699070 0.00133671 99048-5 24183-3 0 318
- 2 22869 39.0252 71.9896 0012817 34.2105 325.9529 16.00500857 1383
- Satellite: STS-58
- Catalog number: 22869
- Epoch time: 93300.17699070 (27 OCT 93 04:14:51.** UTC)
- Element set: GSFC-031
- Inclination: 39.0252 deg
- RA of node: 71.9896 deg Space Shuttle Flight STS-58
- Eccentricity: 0.0012817 Keplerian Elements
- Arg of perigee: 34.2105 deg
- Mean anomaly: 325.9529 deg
- Mean motion: 16.00500857 rev/day Semi-major Axis: 6651.1630 Km
- Decay rate: 0.13E-02 rev/day*2 Apogee Alt: 281.30 Km
- Epoch rev: 138 Perigee Alt: 264.25 Km
- NOTE - This element set is based on NORAD element set # 031.
- The spacecraft has been propagated to the next ascending
- node, and the orbit number has been adjusted to bring it
- into agreement with the NASA numbering convention.
- Submitted by Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO for the SAREX Working Group
- /EX
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Oct 93 00:04:08 GMT
- From: boulder!dosstudent.Colorado.EDU!millerpe@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Windows Based Code Practice
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Does anyone know of a windows based code practice program??
- Peter Miller
- millerpe@spot.colorado.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 01:40:58 GMT
- From: rtech!amdahl!netcomsv!netcom.com!jlr@decwrl.dec.com
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CF0zE2.7zI@news.hawaii.edu>, <jfhCF1nA9.6nn@netcom.com>, <CF2HAM.JDD@news.Hawaii.Edu>mdah
- jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jeff Herman) writes:
- >Oh Jack, don't be such an old bag of bones! If you'd like, I'll email
- >you a description of what the guys are doing in the restrooms and showers
- >on campus; pretty disgusting.
- >on campus; pretty disgusting.
- >Jeff
- So what's your point? I could e-mail you a description of what so-called
- "normal" straight people do in adult book stores, in restrooms and showers,
- and to their kids! Would that be representative of all heterosexuals? I
- don't think so. I have a friend that works as a receptionist in a shelter
- for battered children; some of the things done to those kids (sexually)
- would make your hair stand on end -- but I don't put that out as typical
- of all straights, as you seem to imply about gays in your posting.
- --
- *************************************************************************
- Joe L. Reda | Separation of Church and State -- not just a good idea,
- jlr@netcom.com | IT'S THE LAW!!
- Campbell, CA |
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 93 14:13:53 GMT
- From: nntp.ucsb.edu!mustang.mst6.lanl.gov!nntp-server.caltech.edu!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!emory!news-feed-2.peachnet.edu!concert!duke!news.duke.edu!ee.ee.duke.edu!jbs@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <1993Oct17.233220.19586@ssc.com>, <CF2wpI.vx@news.Hawaii.Edu>, <jlrCFL2rF.4uo@netcom.com>nasa.go
- Subject : Re: Homonauseated (Was: Newsline #842)
- In article <jlrCFL2rF.4uo@netcom.com> jlr@netcom.com (Joe L. Reda) writes:
- >No one *chooses* to be gay. Ever heard of genetics?
- Nonsense. There is no convincing evidence of genetic predisposition to
- homosexuality. Read "And the Band Played On," whose author is gay; he
- quotes a gay man in the book saying "I didn't become gay so I could use
- condoms" (in reference to efforts in the early days of AIDS to require
- warnings to be posted on bathhouse walls in San Francisco). I don't
- dispute that most gays probably don't make a conscious decision to be
- gay, but there are certainly some who do. A woman I've known since I was
- 10 years old had a rough time with men when she was young (she was quite
- overweight and some guys were pretty cruel about it) so she decided to
- try loving women instead. She was homosexual for about 4 or 5 years,
- then got some psychiatric help that enabled her to improve her self-image
- and get her weight under control; eventually she went back to men and is
- now married and has a child (note that I am not for an instant suggesting
- that homosexuality is "curable" by psychiatric treatment).
- My aunt married a man whose wife, after six years of marriage and two
- children, left him - for another woman (a lucky thing for my aunt,
- who carries Muscular Distrophy in her DNA, and thus couldn't have her
- own kids).
- >The most ludicrous definition of 'minority' I've ever seen. Are you
- >so behind the times that you think you can spot a homosexual just by
- >looking at one?
- A common error perpetuated by the fact that *often* one can tell from
- mannerisms who's gay and who's not. However, there are plenty of gays
- who *don't* have outwardly visible "gay" mannerisms, and there are plenty
- of straights who *do* appear to have "gay" mannerisms. Unfortunately,
- some people think it's important to be able to determine who's gay and
- who's not, and many of them erroneously believe they can judge this by
- appearances with 100% accuracy.
- >The REAL truth is that most folks who live in the twentieth century are
- >not disgusted by the behavior of gays. They're getting more and more
- >disgusted with intolerant behavior and discrimination of any form!
- How did you come by this information? A recent poll, perhaps? It seems
- (from general perceptions, I admit) that the majority of Americans are still
- disgusted by homosexuality. It's true that many people are also getting
- disgusted with intolerant behavior and discrimination, but neither of those
- is necessarily a requirement for disgust toward homosexuality.
- -joe
- --
- You spend the night
- Like you were spending a dime
- - Lyle Lovett
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 01:28:26 GMT
- From: rtech!amdahl!netcomsv!netcom.com!jlr@decwrl.dec.com
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <1993Oct12.190750.16549@pony.Ingres.COM>, <1993Oct17.233220.19586@ssc.com>, <CF2wpI.vx@news.Hawaii.Edu>
- Subject : Re: Homonauseated (Was: Newsline #842)
- jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jeff Herman) writes:
- >In article <1993Oct17.233220.19586@ssc.com> tad@ssc.com (Tad Cook) writes:
- >We can dislike the behavior of people without hating the individual
- >person. I dislike the behavior of homosexuals, violent criminals,
- >drug pushers, rapists, pedophiles, necrophiliacs, bestialphiles,
- >peeping Toms, stalkers, repeater jammers, cannibals. (If I've left
- >anyone out please email me. Sorry I didn't mention BSS'ers...)
- >(These aren't words I normally use so sorry if any are misspelled).
- Just what I like to see . . being lumped in with violent criminals,
- drug pushers, rapists, etc. What century are you from? Talk about
- empty arguments . . I've heard that one before: "We love the sinner but
- we hate the sin!". Here's a consciousness-raiser for you: with the
- exception of homosexuality, all of the above behaviors are learned or
- chosen. No one *chooses* to be gay. Ever heard of genetics?
- >Now, you would not be able to determine any of the above by
- >just looking at them, therefore they are not minorities as in the
- >racial sense. To say that homosexuals are a minority is to say that
- >child molesters are a minority. Should we have special hiring
- >provisions for child molesters? Nope. We must not classify a person
- >as being in a minority according to their behavior.
- The most ludicrous definition of 'minority' I've ever seen. Are you
- so behind the times that you think you can spot a homosexual just by
- looking at one? Gays generally don't want special hiring provisions,
- just protection from losing a job because of bigotry!
- >The plain truth is that most folks are disgusted by the behavior
- >of the above groups. To compare disliking a person's actions with
- >Hitler's wanting to exterminate the Jews is a very, very sorry
- >arguement; the usual empty arguements that the pro-gay groups
- >try to pin on us.
- The REAL truth is that most folks who live in the twentieth century are
- not disgusted by the behavior of gays. They're getting more and more
- disgusted with intolerant behavior and discrimination of any form!
- >Whether you're a homosexual or a cannibal keep your activities to
- >yourself so we won't be disgusted and you won't be judged. If you
- >flaunt your unpopular behavior then expect to be chastised.
- So it's "flaunting" to want the same rights --no more or less-- than
- everyone else? Give me a break. Yeah, this topic doesn't belong here.
- It doesn't belong anywhere. We shouldn't have to be talking about it
- because it shouldn't matter what people who mind their own business do
- with their lives as long as they harm none. But there's always those
- who think they know how everybody should live. Pardon my sounding bitter;
- I'm a little tired of 30+ years of dealing with bigoted crap.
- >Okay, lets all go over to .policy and continue the code debate
- >and discuss antenna restrictions.
- >Jeff NH6IL (back in the days before Usenet <i.e., the Dark Ages>: WA6QIJ)
- \\Joe KC6TXU
- --
- *************************************************************************
- Joe L. Reda | Separation of Church and State -- not just a good idea,
- jlr@netcom.com | IT'S THE LAW!!
- Campbell, CA |
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 93 14:21:07 GMT
- From: nntp.ucsb.edu!mustang.mst6.lanl.gov!nntp-server.caltech.edu!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!emory!news-feed-2.peachnet.edu!concert!duke!news.duke.edu!ee.ee.duke.edu!jbs@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <dbledsoeCFJK67.FAB@netcom.com>, <22708@news.duke.edu>, <jfhCFMGx4.FtK@netcom.com>oy.jpl
- In article <jfhCFMGx4.FtK@netcom.com> jfh@netcom.com (Jack Hamilton) writes:
- >>Yeah, well, frequently it takes a threat of action to make someone realize they
- >>have taken an untenable position. They reversed that position to a reasonable
- >>one, now you guys should shut up and get on with your lives. Of course, you
- >>won't do that because your main interest is not getting your ad run.
- >And what do you think their main interest is?
- >
- >Obviously not publicity, since the number of hams they would reach by having
- >their ad run would be much larger than the number of hams who read
- >rec.radio.amateur.misc.
- Obviously publicity. If they didn't wan't publicity (not about the
- existance of their organization, but about their complaint against ARRL)
- they would submit their ad and shut up. Instead, they're continuing to beat
- the dead horse and demanding that the ARRL give them coverage in the magazine
- besides just the ad. They're demanding public apologies and such. Or didn't
- you see all those demands earlier in this thread?
- >You mentioned political ax-grinding, but I'm not sure what that means in
- >this case. What do you think LARC would gain by going up against the ARRL,
- >besides having their ad published?
- Publicity.
- -joe
- --
- You spend the night
- Like you were spending a dime
- - Lyle Lovett
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 13:42:09 GMT
- From: news.moneng.mei.com!uwm.edu!linac!uchinews!att-out!cbnewsd!cbnewsc!k9jma@uunet.uu.net
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CFJ304.Bp5@fc.hp.com>, <jfhCFKJK1.C53@netcom.com>, <CFMqx6.Cvt@fc.hp.com>net
- In article <CFMqx6.Cvt@fc.hp.com> perry@fc.hp.com (Perry Scott) writes:
- >Jack Hamilton (jfh@netcom.com) wrote:
- >: perry@fc.hp.com (Perry Scott) wrote:
- >
- >Sorry to beat this to death.
- >
- >: >As I understand the 1st amendment, the ARRL can print whatever they
- >: >want. Do the civil rights of LARC exceed those of the ARRL?
- >
- >: The ARRL is not an ordinary private citizen. It receives government
- >: support (non-profit status) and has some governmental privileges
- >: (administering tests, for example).
- >
- >A technical nit - I thought the LARC complaint was lodged against the
- >ARRL on the basis of CT law, not Federal law. Another technical nit -
- >state law is superceded by the US Constitution. Freedom of press is
- >ACTUALLY MENTIONED there. The "sexual minority" patchwork of case law
- >is a recent machination of the Judicial Branch.
- And nothing in the Federal Constitution invalidates the Connecticut law.
- Rights are frequently found to be in conflict, and so the courts have to
- balance the various rights since they can't be both absolute and
- conflicting. Federal and state requirements for equal access to public
- accommodation and for common carriers and commercial speech are the law,
- and have withstood any number of challenges on 1st amemdment grounds. You
- may call it what you will, but that's how the courts interpret the law now.
- >I think what bothers me about the LARC complaint is that it seeks to
- >make LARC more equal than everyone else. Under the envisioned scenario,
- >the ARRL must justify their decision to conduct or not conduct business
- >when minority organizations are involved.
- The affected groups do not try to become "more equal" when they require
- protection (that others do not need) against future discrimination. The
- point is that LARC needs more protection against future discrimination than
- do other groups because of the ARRL having _demonstrated_ its propensity to
- discriminate against LARC (for a prohibited reason) through its past
- actions. The "more equal" complaint would be logical if the advertisers of
- gospel tracts were to demand protection against discrimination on the basis
- of religious discrimination - because the ARRL has not shown any intent to
- discriminate against _them_ on that basis.
- > By virtue of the ad, LARC
- >identifies its self-described "minority" status and exacts an extra
- >quantum of deliberation over and above any other individual or
- >organization. What was a "can we use this?" decision (apropos to
- >an Editor) becomes a "how do we refuse this and still be Politically
- >Correct?" exercise in semantic gymnastics.
- Interesting that you equate "be Politically Correct" with "obey the law".
- I suppose PC is just longhand for "laws I don't like". Editors must
- conform to _all_ legal requirements in _all_ editorial decisions. They
- already have to worry about libel and slander, disseminating prohibited
- technical information (ECPA and encryption) and complying with myriad other
- laws and regulations (e.g. postal).
- >: >: LARC believes that to go ahead and run the advertising without
- >: >: resolution of the underlying issue will undermine its own complaint. So,
- >: >: until the ARRL will discuss the real issue of discrimination, the issue of
- >: >: advertising cannot be resolved.
- >: >
- >: >What discrimination? The ARRL refused to print my article. Do I get to
- >: >sue them too?
- >
- >: If the ARRL said "We won't print your article because you're gay/black/
- >: jewish", then yes, you should sue.
- >
- >Gee. The ARRL was nonspecific - the old "don't need it right now" line
- >as I recall. How silly of me not to have pressed them for the REAL
- >reason. It's hard to work a homosexual thread into a construction
- >project.
- Get real. Articles aren't the same as advertising; the author pays to have
- the ad published; the editor pays to get an article to publish. The
- magazine is much more like a "common carrier" with respect to
- advertisements than it is with respect to editorial content like articles.
- >
- >Perry
- --
- Ed Schaefer K9JMA ham radio N97178 aviation
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1286
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